Circumcision is a cultural practice that has existed in many African societies for a long time. Many African communities
have a deep value for this practice which is considered an indispensable rite of passage. Due to this, some of the communities have
refused to tolerate members of their communities who defy this practice. This has led to incidences of forced male circumcision in
some of the communities. The Bukusu community, a sub-community of the Abaluyia community is one community that deeply values
this cultural practice. The community practices circumcision of adolescent boys every two years. The deep value for this cultural
practice has led to intolerance towards defiance to circumcision. Based on field work conducted Webuye district of Bungoma County,
in Kenya, the paper unravels fallacies in Bukusu circumcision songs and gives a logical solution to Bukusu forced circumcision.