The study conducted a household (HH) survey (n =94) to establish women's economic empowerment
in Busia County in the Republic of Kenya. Out of the targeted population, the study achieved a 70% response
rate. Purposive random sampling was adopted concurrently in selecting the study households. In investigating
women's economic status and empowerment the study choose to dwell on a number of several variables. The
household (HH) survey tool sought the independence of the women's gender in making Household Expenditure
Decisions, membership to Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) such as a women’s group or a co-operative
society, access to an android mobile phone, access to loans, and having trade skills. The findings indicate that
women are not economically empowered to an extent of 70%-80% cutting across all ages. Add it recommends
the following points of intervention for economically empowering women; skills equipment and training,
establishment of childcare centres and access to credit.
The study conducted a household (HH) survey (n =94) to establish women's economic empowerment
in Busia County in the Republic of Kenya. Out of the targeted population, the study achieved a 70% response
rate. Purposive random sampling was adopted concurrently in selecting the study households. In investigating
women's economic status and empowerment the study choose to dwell on a number of several variables. The
household (HH) survey tool sought the independence of the women's gender in making Household Expenditure
Decisions, membership to Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) such as a women’s group or a co-operative
society, access to an android mobile phone, access to loans, and having trade skills. The findings indicate that
women are not economically empowered to an extent of 70%-80% cutting across all ages. Add it recommends
the following points of intervention for economically empowering women; skills equipment and training,
establishment of childcare centres and access to credit.