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Integrated E-Marketing Adoption Model for Small Businesses

Show simple item record Owuor Omoga, Charles 2022-06-06T09:12:10Z 2022-06-06T09:12:10Z 2019-05-05
dc.description.abstract Small sized businesses play an important role in the growth of economies all over the world, yet they appear to be slow in adopting E-marketing technology to market their products and service .The objective of the study was to develop a model for studying e-marketing adoption among small businesses. A cross sectional survey design was employed on a target population . Stratified random sampling method was used to generate the study sample. Structured self administered questionnaire was used to collect primary data while secondary data were collected via relevant publications and reports. Instrument reliability assessment was confirmed using cronchbas alpha.The data was analyzed using descriptive and inferential analysis using WarpPLS v.5 software. The results show that the predictive relevance of the model (Q2 ) was strong at 47.5%.Policy makers may find these results useful for future policy formulations regarding adoption of e-marketing among small businesses.An Integrated Model for E-marketing adoption was realized in the study that could enhance innovations on small business adoption en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer and Communication Engineering en_US
dc.subject Integrated E-Marketing Adoption Model for Small Businesses en_US
dc.title Integrated E-Marketing Adoption Model for Small Businesses en_US
dc.type Article en_US

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