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Health Care Providers’ Communication: The Cancer Patients’ Perspective-A Study among Cervical Cancer Patients in Uasin Gishu County, Kenya

Show simple item record Jerop, Caren 2022-06-06T07:58:22Z 2022-06-06T07:58:22Z 2020-03-04
dc.description.abstract This study aimed at understanding the communication processes between the cervical cancer patients and the health care providers and how the processes influence interventionsoutcomes.Methods:This was a qualitative study, targeting cervical cancer patients undergoing specialised treatment in health facilities or those receiving palliative care at home or hospice facilities in Uasin Gishu County. In-depth interviews as well as Semi-structured interview guide were utilized to obtain information from the study participants. A total of eight cases were recruited to the study. Content analysis was done and data reported in form of narration. Results:The cervical cancer patients registered mixed communication experiences with their health care providers. Some of the respondents had a positive experience with prior counselling and preparation while for others it was a negative experience resulting from the poor delivery methods by the health care providers. The information was packaged differently in that some of the respondents received detailed and comprehensive information while for other respondents the information was sketchy. The environment under which the communication took place also aroused mixed reactions as it was favourable for some while it was not conducive for others.Conclusion:Communication process for cancer patients varies in different settings and among different health care providers. There is need to emphasize on effective communication between the cervical cancer patients and health care providers.Keywords:Communication, Cervical cancer, Health care providers. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher International Journal ofRecent Innovations inMedicine and Clinical Research en_US
dc.subject Health Care Providers’ Communication: The Cancer Patients’ Perspective-A Study among Cervical Cancer Patients in Uasin Gishu County, Kenya en_US
dc.title Health Care Providers’ Communication: The Cancer Patients’ Perspective-A Study among Cervical Cancer Patients in Uasin Gishu County, Kenya en_US
dc.type Article en_US

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